Thursday, May 31, 2012

Ralph the Cat

So I've been meaning to post about our cat, Ralph (or Bralph as Aud so lovingly calls him). He's definitely a special member of our family, and we love him to bits!

Last year, we adopted him from our local humane society. I went with my mom and sister looking for dogs because my sister wanted to adopt one. Being the cat lover that I am, I asked to visit the cat room and fell in love with a big, LHD-Maine-coon mix cat with too-large green eyes, named Ralph. The shelter worker told me that he was definitely a favorite, and had tons of personality. He was also known for getting out of ANY locked cage to try and visit the lady cats across the room. I fell in love. We've had cats before, but none of them acting like this one did. He was loving, friendly, and meowed constantly.

(Holding Ralph for the first time, d'aww!)

I went back to visit him again later that week, and fell even more in love with his fluffy-ness. After a lot of soul searching, talking to my dad, and thinking, we decided to adopt him! I felt like I was bringing home my second baby that day, it was so great! Honestly, I wanted to bring all those sweet animals home with me, but I think my parents would kill me - so Ralph was the only one (for now - muahaha!). 

He wasn't very shy at first, which I was really thrilled about. After I read all these random books about "bringing home your cat" I was prepared for it all, but when he came home he was ready to explore the whole house rather than hide forever. The whole family fell in love, and he expressed his love (or demands?) right back in meow-form. 

He wasn't and still isn't very keen on the idea of wearing a collar, and he doesn't like to trim his nails on anything except cardboard. (weird, right?) and he really didn't like his Christmas outfit either. I was able  to keep it on for MAYBE 5 minutes, then he tore it right off. 

He's such a joy, and as June comes right around the corner, it marks our one year anniversary with our beloved fur-baby. I'm thinking of baking a tuna casserole (with cat friendly ingredients) just for him. (Is that a bit too much?) And celebrate with lots of laser chases, feather dangly things, and snuggles. 

Happy 1 year, Ralph!! Best cat our family could ask for. (: 

xoxo, Lindsey.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

5 Things.

Happy Wednesday! Is it just me, or has this week gone by very, very slow? I'm ready for the extra long weekend! Here are 5 things that I adore currently!

(photo and product by The Flair Exchange)

1 - Tassles and Fringe. I love this tassel line created by Carmen Taylor at The Flair Exchange on Etsy! The colors are bright and cheerful, and I love the splash of metallic in between. These would go perfect in any room, in any setting. Recently I've found myself drawn more and more to anything tassle-y and with fringe! I think it's so much fun, and has such movement! 

2 - my freshly graduated baby sister, Katie. Look how cute she is! It's hard to believe my youngest sister is now done with high school and making her way to college. I feel so old! She looked beautiful on her special day, and we had a BBQ party in her honor - with lots of swimming! 

3 - My very first record player, a Carron Tone CS-61! I have been searching for one of these puppies for a few months now, and I didn't want to fork over a lot of money for a player. Thankfully my grandmother's friend had one conveniently sitting in her trunk for over a year and gave it to me for free! I had to replace the needle, which wasn't bad at all, and dad took it apart and cleaned it out and it works good as new. Currently, I only own a couple of records, but now that I know this one works I hope to go record shopping and find some great ones to play while I sit at home. The crackle and pops in the sound are my favorite part. (: 

4 - This cluster of trees. It is a rather special tree bunch, because it's located at the park Josh and I are getting married at! We visited it this weekend, and decided to get married right underneath it. It has a very whimsical feel to it, with lovely draped branches and moss. I can definitely see us throwing a bunch of pompoms and... you guessed it, tassles in there! I cannot believe our wedding is only 3 months away... how crazy! Everyone says it'll be here before we know it, and I definitely believe them. These trees are so beautiful, they really look like one tree, I cannot wait. (: 

5 - My favorite camera, the Canon T70. My grandmother gave this to me several years ago, and it is definitely my favorite. She's an artist and owns several cameras, this one is one she owned in the 80s and never uses, so she gave it to me. It came with three different lenses, all vary in length and zoom. They are my favorite because it gives the pictures an ethereal feel to them, plus it is a film camera, so the wait adds to the excitement. I've never been displeased with anything this camera produces, plus it looks adorable, so I bring it with me everywhere just in case I want to take a picture of a beautiful memory. 

Have a lovely week! 

xoxo, Lindsey

Friday, May 18, 2012

5 Things.

So, I know it isn't Wednesday... Eek! Already slacking! However, it is one of my other favorite days of the week - FRIDAY!!! So here are the 5 things that I'm currently loving!

(shoes and photo taken by Lindsay @ Em & Sprout)

1 - THESE SHOES!!! Okay, seriously, just look at them. I die!! I've been drooling over these puppies made by Lindsay at Em and Sprout on Etsy, and Josh bought them for me  for Mother's day! I cannot wait for these cuties to get shipped to my house. Cat shoes all day, everyday.

2 - My most recent drawing of Ralph as.... BATMAN!! Our place has a "half bath" which basically means it has a toilet and a sink, no bath or shower. It's underneath the stairs, and we were going to deck it out in Harry Potter gear (get it? because it's the cupboard under the stairs? eh? eh?) but then we decided on another cool idea - draw our adopted fur baby as numerous favorite characters of ours. I draw them, then color them with Copic markers (expensive, but I love them!) and so far this one is my favorite. Check out those muscles! Meow! 

(photo and mug by Gracie B @ Betwixxt)

3 - Ron Swanson. How can you NOT love him? Ron Swanson on a mug? The best thing since sliced bread. This mug is sold on etsy by Gracie B who creates some seriously awesome pieces, but this one is my favorite! As soon as I can scramble up the cash, it'll be in my ever-growing coffee mug collection for sure! 

4 - Starbuck's iced (skinny!) vanilla latte. I could drink these forever, really. They are SO GOOD!!

(I don't have the link to whomever took this. ): )

5 - Mad Men, my current TV obsession. I'm majoring in marketing so I do have a soft spot for advertising jargon, and this show has tons of it. It also is based in the 1960s, and I feel like I'm literally in that era when I watch this show. I am now in the third season of it, and all the crazy story lines are intense. I am always excited to see what happens next in each episode! This is also the first show that I really can't decide who my favorite character is, because I love each one of them. They are all very diverse, and very deep. Just when you think you know a character, something changes or their history is revealed and makes you love and understand them more.... But if I had to pick, I'd probably say Joan! I'm taken with her flirtatious vibe and red locks. (; 

So there you have it! Sorry about it being late, but it's been a rather busy week! Tomorrow my sister Katie is graduating high school, and I'm so proud of her. (: 

xoxo, Lindsey

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Weekend In Pictures.

Greetings blog world!
I am posting this a day late, but I hope that everyone had a lovely weekend. I had planned to post this yesterday (which was a Monday for those of you still waking up!) but I left my power cord at Josh's apartment this weekend - eek!! He was a doll and met me halfway after work to give it back. (:

I could talk and talk about my weekend, but I'm more of a visual person - and I LOVE pictures, so I'll post them with a short caption! I hope you enjoy. (:

My FujiFilm Instax 210 camera came in -YAY!! I have to admit, I was very shocked with just how big and clunky it is! I've been a lover of Polaroid's instant camera forever, and it just got to be too expensive! So I made the switch, and so far I really do like it! The pictures are wider than my polaroid, but I think it gives it a nice touch! Now I'm up to carrying around 4 cameras every weekend. Josh thinks I am obsessed, but I just have to make sure I catch all our special moments! (; 

Here is the first photo I took with the camera. My sweet little family. (: The picture turned out really great with that really cool, vintage feel to it! 

Friday Audrey and I drove to Columbus like we do every weekend to be with Josh. We visited his favorite store ever - Movie Stop! Here's Audrey scoping out her favorite shows. (: 

Saturday we took Audrey to the skating rink, and I think she spent more time on the ground than actually skating - poor thing! They give skating lessons on Saturday mornings, so we're definitely taking her soon! She loves it so much. Then we went to visit the cutest little ice cream place - well, truck! It is a truck that is parked by the road that serves ice cream and shaved ice - AND it is painted pink - cute!! Here's Audrey with her Barbie ice cream pop. Very happy tot! 

I was a very happy chick, with my Tiger's Blood shaved ice! They had Dill Pickle flavor, which I almost got - but it tasted kind of strange - too bad! I love pickles. (: I've never had Tiger's Blood, but it was their best seller and I can now see why! Josh (who I didn't get a picture of - boo!) got a cherry shaved ice concoction - and all was right in the world. 

Mother's day flowers from Josh. I had a marvelous mother's day! We left early in the morning to visit a flea market, but it was rainy and they didn't have any vendors - sad! But there is always next time! For lunch Josh treated me to Shoguns while Audrey ate her chicken nugget meal. Then we went to a couple of thrift stores and I got lots of treasures!! I bought my first Pyrex container - it's so beautiful! I should have gotten a picture of it, but I did not. I also found several small trinkets and goodies, which were placed all throughout the apartment. It's coming together so nicely! I got lots of love and hugs from Audbug and Josh, and totally spoiled! Friday, when I got to Columbus, Josh surprised me with my favorite fruits which was a great gift! And I was treated all weekend to iced vanilla lattes. Overall, I had a wonderful weekend! 

It rained all day Sunday, and we're a bunch who love playing in the rain! Josh found this gem at Goodwill and bought it for Audrey - she loves it. (: 

Monday, I met Josh halfway to get my Mac's power cord - and I also discovered that the best kind of blow dryer is your head turned sideways, halfway out the window going 70+ down the road. (; Perfect curls! I was so excited to see Josh for a bit, it was really nice and something out of our daily routine that will be cherished. I'm also thankful to have my Mac back up and running - sitting all day at work with no computer access drove this chica insaaaane!! 

So that was my weekend in pictures! So much more fun than paragraph after paragraph of just words. (: I hope all the moms, grandmothers, moms-to-be, adopted moms, and moms without a title, but still helped raise someone had a wonderful day!! You rock, and I love you for that! 

xoxo, Lindsey

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

5 Things.

Since Wednesday is the halfway point during my (and many other's) work week, I figured I'd start something fun! I'm going to do blog posts called 5 Things Wednesday, or just 5 Things for short! On these posts, I'll list what means the most to me, what I'm currently really into, what I'd like to own one day, and so forth... in other words, these 5 things are so cool they earned their very own blog post! Hooray!

1 - THIS kid! Duh, you should have saw that coming! She's the coolest thing since... well, ever! Audrey, my silly little 4 year old mini-me. Josh and I couldn't be more proud with just how spunky, hilarious, independent, witty, and creative this tot is. Though she isn't quite a "thing", she's definitely being listed as the best! 

2 - Audrey and my wedding shoes. Josh's, which are a pair of plain black Toms, are not pictured because we only see him on the weekends and I took this during the week! Mine are a silvery crocheted shoe, and Audrey's, though it is hard to tell, are a grey and white tye-dye combo. I've fallen in love with anything grey, so as soon as I saw these I couldn't say no! It is so hard not to wear them now! 

3 - Handwritten letters in the mail. Nothing puts a bigger smile on my face than opening the mailbox and seeing a familiar name on the envelope! These are from Josh, and they were such a wonderful surprise! It is so nice to have a personal touch to something like a letter. I definitely think they are so much more special than an e-mail! But that's just me. (: 

4 - Swimming! Ahh, finally, the sun is heating up our entire state like crazy and the pool is finally a non-numbing temperature! Perfect for laying out too, because the clouds help to block out the insane Georgia sun rays from cooking my body well done! Have you been swimming yet? 

5 - Black berry picking! These little guys are usually everywhere during the summer, but sadly we've had an unusual season and they've come early! Not as many as we usually have, but at least we have some! These berries are a lot more gritty than others, so I don't care much for eating them... but I absolutely love to pick them! Don't you? Just watch out for stickers! 

I hope you've enjoyed my 5 Things list! I hope to make it a recurring thing on this blog! I hope your week has gone wonderfully! I'll leave you with one of my recent thrift finds! We named him Captain Corndog, and he sits next to my sink and brings a smile to my face whenever I pass him. (: 

xoxo, Lindsey

Monday, May 7, 2012

first post!

Greetings world! My name is Lindsey, and I'm from Georgia. I have been putting off creating a blog for quite some time, simply because I didn't know whether or not my life was interesting enough to read about. However, here I am, and I can't wait to be a part of the blogging community! I'm an avid blog reader, and I hope to be able to share some fun things for all you guys to read!

A little about me, I am twenty-two years young first off. I also am going to college in hopes of getting my bachelor's degree in marketing. I'm a mom to an outrageously cute little girl named Audrey (who I am sure you will hear plenty about!) and I am engaged to my very best friend! Our wedding is planned for this August, Eek!

 I love, love, LOVE to paint and draw. Seriously, one of my favorite hobbies since I was little! I can remember being Audrey's age (she's 4!) and having my artist grandmother shoving a paintbrush in my hand saying, "go! create! do something! ... no, hands don't have 8 fingers, silly, they are supposed to have only 5!" so I've enjoyed creating since, well, before I can remember really! I love taking pictures of my life, things and people I love, etc. I am by no means a photographer, but I do love catching life's fantastic moments! I also love to cook and bake. I've got a lot to learn but I do know a couple of things! I love to go thrift shopping as well. Josh (my fiance!) currently lives in our apartment (I live about an hour and a half away until we get married), and so I love creating neat things and putting them all over the place there. I love cats, pugs, spending time with my family, riding bikes, swimming, going on picnics, and sooo many other things!

I really do hope that I bring smiles to someone's face, and I hope to spread lots of cheer from this blog! I'm not sure exactly what I am going to do with it, but it'll work out to be what it is meant to be I'm sure.

(photo by Greta from Smitten!)

xoxo, Lindsey